by Admin | Nov 27, 2019 | Irrigation, Pumps, Water treatment
A lot of people in Australia use a bore pump for irrigating their gardens and farms, drinking water for animals and livestock and sometimes for house water. Have you ever looked at that strange looking white pipe sticking up out of the ground in your garden and...
by Admin | Aug 1, 2015 | Pumps, Water treatment
What is a dosing pump? A dosing pump is a small, positive displacement pump. It is designed to pump a very precise flow rate of a chemical or substance into either a water, steam or gas flow. A dosing pump will deliver this precise flow rate of chemical or other...
by Admin | Jul 2, 2015 | Water Filtration, Water treatment
When talking to customers in the shop, one topic that constantly comes up is how do water filters work and what is a UV water filter. We find commonly is people think that rainwater is safe and pure and fine to drink straight out of the tank. This complacency probably...
by Admin | May 12, 2014 | Water Filtration, Water treatment
One of the most common queries we get this time of year is people wanting to filter or treat dirty rainwater. Now we are at the end of summer, rainwater tanks are at their lowest level for the year. When the new season rains start, then these inflows cause the water...